Road Map To a Successful Music Career
Have you produced a couple of songs
but still remain at the bottom of your career ladder?
Have you spent hugely getting your
music on music blogs, yet no positive result?
Have you tried all your best but
still find it difficult to build loyal fanbase?
Do you find it difficult finding
people who can support you to achieve your career goal?
Are you an upcom ing artiste who is
just starting out?
If your answer is 'YES' to any of
the above questions, I congratulate you because you are about to
discover how to walk your way to the top of your music career.
Building a successful music
career goes beyond just to make a great music, sharing it on social media,
music blogs, and other platforms. There are still a lot to know and put into
practice. Contrary to what you might be thinking, it doesn’t always have to
cost you lot of money.
It pains me when I see talented
musicians spend their time to make great music, spend their money to promote
their music on music blogs and other platforms, and still remain at the same level
they were. It becomes an endless cycle, a frustrating one too. Most musicians
will remain in this cycle simply because they don’t know the most important
thing they need to work on.
If you want to make it to the top
as a musician, building your fanbase is very crucial- that’s where the money
is. The whole music industry relies on the strength of fans to thrive. Every music
project you embark on should directly translate to more followership for your
music, and I don’t mean facebook likes, Twitter or Instagram followers. I mean
real followers who will stay dedicated to you and your music over the years. Of
course, if well managed, that in turn translates to financial success.
Two out of numerous reasons why
you should start building your fanbase now are:
Your fans are the people that will be anticipating your music before you produce it.
This is the secret behind the stories of successful musicians who sold over a
million copies of their albums.
is nothing you can’t achieve in your career if you build loyal fanbase. Your fans
will support you to achieve your dream with their resources. You can also
leverage their network to get difficult things done without spending a dime and
without stress.
I have great news for you.
The book “5 Secrets to Building
Profitable Fanbase in African Music Industry” hits the nail by the head. It addresses
all you need to build an army of real fans that would be ready to help you
reach your career goal. In the book, you will discover
you need to know about fan building
crucial steps you must take to avoid the pitfall that prevents most musicians
from reaching stardom
to start building your fanbase
to turn an audience to a real fan
ways to really make money from your fans, etc.
BONUS: buying this book gives
you free access to Tvic Music Consult’s online one-on-one coaching on "Basic Skills You Need To Thrive As A Musician In This 21st Century".